Monday 20 October 2008

I feel a pattern emerging...

4:46 am, i feel a theme coming on. God, i hate not being able to sleep. Tonight i have a particularly overactive imagination, and have a sudden urge to put on my red sparkly shoes, and climb back into bed with my glittering toesies poking out of the end! And why not i ask?!
This blog, which was supposed to be my way of outing my emotions, is turning into a ramble about pretty shoes and fairy costumes. Shallow? Me? How very dare you!
I'm currently obsessively planning my 21st birthday party, to be held in January. A while off yet, i know, but it's nice to have something fun and hopeful to hang onto right now- whilst everything else is looking so bleak and arduous. Currently i can submerge myself in a plume of feathers, flapper frivolence, rolling my stockings down and rouging my cheeks; or consider the fact that in a little over two weeks time some doctors i have never met will tell me where my life is to head. I think i'll party for now, and worry about that later.